Saturday, July 3, 2010

The last few weeks...

Hello all!! I do apologise not posting over the last few weeks but we have been even busier than usual - plus I have been doing full-time relief at the school while someone is overseas. So I thought I'd give you a sampling of what we've been doing. The green waste collection by our council occured a couple of weekends ago. The whole family got in on the act. The kids cut branches into smaller pieces...
Dad used the big lopers...

And the final result was about 5 metres long, 1 metre wide and 1 1/2 metres tall!!!

Blondie stuffed a pillow up her pyjama top and pretended to be a very fat buddha...quite hard when you can't keep a straight face...

Both Blondie and Miss 11 were involved in the Children Sing Festival at the University of Western Australia this week. Below you can see Miss 11 in the senior choir uniform. Daddy got to go to both sessions and reports that both choirs sounded beautiful.

Miss 11 also was invited to a band ensemble workshop at a local college as she is classed as an advance Year Six in her trombone playing. Five new LONG pieces of music to learn in a week - four new notes, new key signatures, dynamic markings and rhythms. I couldn't take her but the mum who did reported that the final performance by everyone was amazing for 11 and 12 year olds. Well done, babe.
A gorgeous sunrise - pity about the street lights.

A show of shadow puppets - this was an eagle...

And this was a bunny...

And finally pet rocks. Remember these from when we were kids, girls? Well I still have the Painted Rock book. I took it into school on Friday as the pre-primary's were making pet rocks as a fun activity on the last day of term. These were my models and have quickly been claimed by my three. These were done with a permanent marker and textas on white rocks, they just need a coat of varnish.

And now it is school holidays - YAY!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, I remember that book! Good looking rocks! And your girls are looking super tall, they must have sprouted (more) since I saw them last!
