Friday, July 16, 2010

Blondie cooks...

First things first - darling Auntie Lottie, we love the bread recipe!! I am now consigned to making all our bread, because the kids love it so much. The only thing I have found is that Perth flour must be much drier than New Zealand flour, because for the same quantity of flour I have to use nearly 4 1/2 cups of water! I also have been soaking cracked wheat and soy grits with the oats and it turns out beautifully.

Now, back to Blondie. Before the hockey incident she was cooking up a storm. She adores cooking, and is getting really good at following recipes. Below you can see what is left of her hedgehog slice. And it rivals what you can buy from the bakery...

And then she made cupcakes - they were delicious, vanilla and so light and fluffy. Made in the food processor, would you believe?!

Doesn't she look happy?

And this is the book she has been cooking from. We borrowed it from the library, but I am seriously thinking about buying a copy for us. It has some great basic recipes for kids - everything from meals to baking to dips such as hummus, and even pesto.

Next on the list is apple teacake - YUM!
Photos of FJ's birthday to follow when I can find the cord to download the photos from my camera. Now where did I hide it this time?


  1. Yum! I've been adding more water too....maybe I added less flour last time (I'm a bit like Mum with it, kinda make it up and that recipe was my best approximation) but your pics look exactly like mine. Sooooo good. Dunno about that blue icing - it's positively eye boggling, though I bet the cake bit tasted good.

  2. Blue icing was her choice - definitely NOT mine!!
