Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Loosening the Apron Strings

My little girl is growing up.  She turned 13 in October, started menstruating regularly in December, got a mobile phone for Christmas, and got her first job as a friend's regular babysitter in January.

And today she started high school.
She went off with her father on the bus this morning, so he could make sure she got on the right train and then the right school bus.  But once she was on that school bus - she was on her own.  Tomorrow she does it from start to finish all by herself.

She was nervous and Mum was terrified (and trying not to show it!!), but oh so proud.  Haven't quite cut the apron strings, but they are definitely looser!


  1. She's gonna kill you one day for saying that 'on air'! Hard to believe she's so grown up.

    1. I really had nothing to worry about! She has taken to high school like a duck to water. After 2 days has a close group of friends, got lost once (and had the guts to ask a teacher for help), and the bus and train? Well she is now leading a friend through the process.

  2. They grow up so fast, I still have a photo of her 4 yr old self on my fridge!
