Monday, February 1, 2010

A crafty few days...

This weekend saw me make my first foray into the art of glove making. I tried a fairly simple pattern for fingerless gloves. Miss 11 spotted the first one, tried it on, and promptly claimed it for biking to school in the winter...

So I had to make the second one. Here they are, finished and decorated with red buttons - her favourite colour...

Then I was in our local Salvo's store and I found these cute little ceramic pieces for $3. They were plain white so I have added a little girly decoration. These are for a teaset that I am slowly putting together for my gorgeous niece - the one whose birthday is in August! SSHH - don't tell, Mum!

And finally, this little lady. Inspired by my lovely sister, and other family memories, I decided it was high time I stopped putting it off and started making the children a nativity scene. So here is Mary. She was going to be in brown, but the girls insisted that Mary was always in blue. Who am I to argue? Her brooch is one of my mother's old earrings.

And finally, look what else I scored at the Salvo's that day? A whole $7 for this...

There are a few bits missing, but nothing that I can't pull out from our own stash, or that FJ won't miss. This is going in the cupboard for his birthday.


  1. Ooo, little miss would LURVE that! And so will FJ. And I have to learn to knit one of these days....

  2. Those gloves are so cool! Mary's looking good too, my newest efforts have too much of a modern look for me, I need to work on them a bit. Great score for FJ, I've managed to pick up the duplo set I was after too, yay!

  3. You are going to have to send me a copy of the recipe you use for making soap. I think I am going to give it a go.
