Thursday, January 16, 2014

Long time, no see...this last year was for me!

Hi all,

I know I haven't posted in - oh, about a year, and I can't promise that will change, but I'll do my best to keep in touch a bit more.

This last year I finally decided it was time to start looking after me.  My darling husband pushed me into it by signing me up to our local gym.  Not, he said, to lose weight but because I never take any time for me. Wow!

So I started going - only occasionally, mind you.  Then I went to the doctor who decided to do a full health check.  Mammogram - all good.  Bone density - all good except my wrists (Dad always said I had pea stick wrists!).  Cholesterol - edging towards high. Glucose - fair to middling.  Hormones - no menopause - yet. Iron - low.  Vitamin D - low.   Blood pressure - normal.  All food for thought.

Then in September, after taking a holiday in Queensland, I watched a startling documentary called, "Eat, Fast and Live Longer".  It struck a real chord and I decided to give the lifestyle change it recommended a go. Fasting on Mondays and Thursdays (500 calories), normal eating the rest of the time.

So far I have lost 5 kg that I haven't managed to shift since having FJ ten years ago.  My cholesterol has dropped back into the normal to low range.  My blood pressure has dropped to the lower range.  My aches and pains are less and I'm sleeping better.

And then I did something just for me.  I'd toyed with the idea for years, never quite getting there, not sure exactly what I wanted, afraid people would disapprove.

I love it!  And it's always there to remind me that I'm important in my life too.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! And love the sentiment behind it. If you don't look after yourself then who else will? Go you!
