Monday, January 20, 2014

A busy couple of days...

I'm making the most of the school holidays this time round.  Having just got back from a three week break with family in Queensland, I feel refreshed and enthused.

I have decluttered another one of the bookshelves - this time Miss Blondie's.

I have made three batches of soap which are currently drying in the bathroom.  I'm hoping to make a couple more next week so that we're all set for at least six months.

I have made my first ever cheese - ricotta - after having received my new soft cheeses kit in the mail today. Destined for lasagna tomorrow night if I can keep the kids fingers out of till then.

And I made up two and a half bottles of tomato sauce from this recipe.  I've been meaning to give it a go for a while, but cheap tomatoes and these three bottles from Salvos kicked me into action.

The grapes in the front are home grown ones from our vines that are ripening up fast in the heat of the last few days.  Oh so sweet and delicious.

And a lovely surprise late this afternoon.  A knock on the front door turned out to be my long lost wandering husband who decided to come home a few days early from his latest motorbike trip.  This one was round the coast of Australia, from Brisbane to Perth.  Welcome home babe.


  1. I see you got spammed! anyway, I got a soft cheese kit for Christmas too. Haven't embarked on any cheese making efforts yet, still trying to get the house in order after camping. My decluttering consisted of one SHELF of W's bookcase this morning! But it's a start.

  2. Hey, you're back!! Nice to see back online!
