Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Update on Blondie

Just a quick update on Blondie's finger.  I took her back to the doctor today as the swelling had gotten even worse.  They agreed for the need to drain the finger - but didn't feel comfortable doing it.  So they sent us to Princess Margaret Hospital - WA's children's hospital.  They are absolutely brilliant there - it's Blondie's second visit in four months.

They softened the finger up with some anaesthetic cream for an hour, then they gave her laughing gas and cut the finger open to drain out all the blood.  Then a compression bandage and a visit to the plastic surgeon next week to see about the nail.

She is such an excellent patient - she stoically sat there, no hysterics.

Get well soon Blondie.


  1. Oooh ouch!! I'm cringing just reading about it, it must have been/still be a real beauty!

  2. Hugs to Blondie (very gentle, non-finger squeezing hugs), that must be the worst bruise I've ever seen! Hope it's all good now.
