Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Aunty Cat - this one's for you!!

Aunty Cat - check out this butt crack!! Ah - but whose is it? Take a closer look at the face...

My two monkey children, Blondie and FJ, decided to try and trick their mother this morning. Blondie walked into the bedroom first, while I was getting dressed, and I did the classic double take - I could have sworn it was her brother. They even wore each other's underwear!!!

My twins - two years apart!!


  1. Omg, that is trippy! Ya know, that butt crack doesn't actually look like FJ's......it looks like those shorts had to be yanked askew rather than sliding gracefully down a butt-less butt....hahahaha, they're funny!

  2. nice will you post pics of there feet
