Thursday, April 19, 2012

Dear Jane blocks

About 8 years ago I bought myself the book "Dear Jane - The Two Hundred Twenty Five Patterns from the 1863 Jane A. Stickle Quilt", and loved it so much I subsequently bought the software as well.  I made a few blocks then, and over the years I have periodically dusted it off and made a few more.

It's great for when you want to sew, but you only have half an hour, and you don't want to clean off your sewing table.  So far we have the Top Left Corner...
The Top Right Corner...
The Bottom Left Corner...
The Bottom Right Corner...
And some of the centre blocks...
Yesterday and today I added Michael's Motorcycle...
Meeting Place...
And Chicken Tracks...
The blocks are only 4.5 inches, in case you're wondering.  Then Blondie decided it was high time she made her own quilt and started cutting some blocks for a simple tumbler pattern.
I'm pretty much leaving her to it as she cuts and chooses fabric because she really won't tolerate much interference on my part.

On a different note - I made one of our most favourite risotto's for dinner tonight - loved by all but FJ who'll just have a meat pie - thanks.  It's pumpkin, spinach and fetta...YUM!
Hubby and I will be fighting over the left-overs for lunch tomorrow - I might just have to go and hide them in the fridge!!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jane, I think my sister is crazy! Those blocks are teeny tiny - almost scary. I'm not getting much quilting done here at M & F's even though I brought my handsewing, but I am attempting to hand sew a curtain for them - so far I've hemmed two sides, not too bad!
