Monday, August 9, 2010

Interruption to transmission

Please excuse the brief interruption to transmission that has recently occurred.  Our computer died - again.  This happened six months ago as well, when the problem was supposedly fixed (under warranty).  Over the phone they told me it was the motherboard, but when the technician came out, the graphics card was fried, and he replaced the RAM and the power supply.

This time the computer was not under warranty.  Again over the phone they said it was the motherboard, and I could either extend the warranty ($600!) or buy a new motherboard ($400) and install it myself.  "But you said it was the motherboard last time and it wasn't and I'm not buying a new motherboard until I know for sure!!!"

A local computer repair company took a look and for that same $600 diagnosed the problem, fixed the problem AND provided a year's warranty, all in three days.  The problem being that the original computer company had put the wrong speed RAM in the computer which was underclocking the motherboard and frying the graphics card.

So the right speed RAM, a new HD graphics card and we are back in business.

Transmission resuming...

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