Friday, December 14, 2012

On my own...and loving it!

I have a whole week to myself - no kids, no husband, just the dogs.  Just how did I manage that, you ask?  I sent them to New Zealand a week early.

I made the huge sacrifice to work an extra week, and keep the dogs out of the kennel for a bit longer as well - while they took advantage of the cheaper flights before the Christmas price hike.

And, oh my goodness, am I loving it.  Sure I miss them, but I needed this down time.  It's been a full on year.  I have been working full-time at school in a Year 7 classroom with some special needs kids this year - fun, but incredibly stressful.

Plus the kid's lives are getting busier with music and sporting commitments and sometimes the only down time I get is 10 o'clock at night - and that's when I do the dishes and the laundry.

So I am cleaning house with a vengeance, reading those books that have been piling up, and writing my first blog post in six months.

Check out this photo...

My two beautiful girls having their own down time!!


  1. Nice to hear from you! I thought you might have given up on the blog, but I guess it's just hard to fit it all in. And look at your big, grown -up girls. William is just starting to read chapter books to himself - it's wonderful! Merry Christmasxxx

  2. Ah, alone time, how I miss thee!
